User manual has other forms , they are
A: Quick Start Guide
B: Maintenance manual
C: Operational manual
D: Cosmetics Labels
A: Quick Start Guide
B: Maintenance manual
C: Operational manual
D: Cosmetics Labels
- What other forms of a user manual do you know? A: Quick Start Guide B: User guide C: Instruction manual D: Maintenance manual E: Cosmetics Labels
- Off-Line Diagnostics are manual diagnostics which are intended for thorough maintenance performed by trained technicians.
- What is the full name of IAMSAR? A: Inmarsat Aeronautical and Maritime Search And Rescue manual B: Inmarsat And Mobile Search And Rescue manual C: International Aeronautical and Maritime Search And Rescue manual D: International Air and Maritime Search And Rescue manual
- In accordance with the operational control mode, car transmissions can be divided into manual transmission (MT) and automatic transmission (AT).
- The Linux manual pages can be read using: A: manual B: man C: doc D: command /?