• 2022-05-29
    Good content should be
    A: well-structured
    B: audience-centered
    C: approporiate in length
    D: visual aid
  • A,B,C


    • 0

      These oranges taste _______so they sell _____. A: good; well B: well; well C: to be good; well D: to be well; good

    • 1

      Daniel is a_______ basketball player. He plays basketball______. A: good; good B: good; well C: well; good D: well; well

    • 2

      --David is a _________ musician. He can play the piano very _________ . A: good, good B: well, well C: good,well D: well,<br/>good

    • 3

      Annelooks_______inredwhilegreenclothesarenice______Helen. A: good;on B: well;in C: good;at D: well;for

    • 4

      【单选题】This kind of clothes looks ________ and sells ________. A. good; well B. well; good C. good; good D. well; well A. good ;well B. well ;good C. good;good D. well ;well