Xiaosheng’s voice is different from Laosheng, but the same to that of Dan.
- There are four major roles in Beijing Opera today:____, ______, ______, _______ . A: Singing, Recitation, Acting and acrobatic fighting B: Sheng, Dan, Jing, Chou C: laosheng, wusheng, xiaosheng and wawasheng D: laodan, qingyi, huadan and caidan
- 根据《民航旅客禁止随身携带和托运物品目录》,铅dan.信号dan.烟幕dan.礼花dan都属于dan药类()
- What are the analogous organs? A: Deveopled from different sources B: Deveopled from same sources C: But with the different function D: But with the same function
- From the same fact we drew different ____.
- Allow children the space to voice their opinions, __________ they are different from your own.