How many countries did he visit in order to complete his work?
- How many countries did Zheng He visit in about 30 years?
- 8 Look at Rafael’s exam results on the right and answer the questions. ► How many exams did he take? 7 1 Did he take an exam in chemistry? ____ 2 How many did he pass? ____ 3 How many did he fail? ____ 4 What was his best grade? ____ 5 What was his worst grade? ____ 6 What did he get in English? ____0072645648253a017f210a7f29669eca.png
- How did Mr. Edwin’s accent bring trouble to his work() A: He could not get along well with his colleagues. B: He made mistakes at work just because of his accent. C: His talent and passion for work were ignored. D: Both B and C.
- How many scores did he get in his first big game? A: 7 B: 4 C: 3 D: 5
- He failed many times in his work, but he never gave up his attempt in _____.