• 2021-04-14
    d) The ability to counsel sensitively and effectively, and to provide information should be _____________.
  • truly and objectively and tactically for the patient and his family


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      What information should listeners provide A: Their preferred appointment time B: Their condition or problem C: Their medical history D: Their name and number

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      ‎If you want to write an effective memo, you should NOT .‎ A: address more than one topic B: keep it brief and to the point C: provide sufficient information D: use visuals to display information

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      ICC means the ability to communicate effectively and appropriately in various cultural contexts。 ( )

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      1、“Winning by diplomacy”, when applied in business competition, it means that____ A: the enterprise needs to improve information awareness B: the enterprise should effectively establish strategic alliances C: the enterprise should improve its innovation D: the enterprise should enhance its competitiveness

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      As an information provider,you should provide some information about ______ to the tourists. A: your own family B: the history, culture, traditions and important ideas of your city or country. C: state secrets D: everyday life