• 2022-05-29
    In China, ( ) have power to promulgate local environmental quality standards.
    A: provincial governments
    B: governments of provincial capital
    C: governments at or above the county level
    D: governments approved by the State Council
  • A


    • 0

      Governments now realize the ______________ (important) of environmental protection.

    • 1

      7. Local governments allied to United Cities and Local Governments can now seek help from a network of experts and professionals with five bilingual members.

    • 2

      中国大学MOOC: State governments in the USA are __________ .

    • 3

      State governments and the colleges themselves have ________ financial help to students with special abilities and those with financial needs.

    • 4

      Integration between the policies, priorities, and programs of different government bodies is essential for balanced SDG implementation, both at the local and national levels. Forms of integrated local governance include: A: Vertical coordination with national and state/regional governments B: Horizontal coordination across departments/ministries C: Territorial coordination between local governments D: Circular coordination between all utilities E: None of the above