We can find advertisements from different channels, like TV, newspaper, magazine, interne, and billboard.( )
- 4. I like to shop at stores ______ I can find products from different countries.
- This is one of the advertisements put for a ______. A: bookstore B: newspaper C: magazine D: restaurant
- To quickly gain information from a book, magazine, newspaper or website, we’d better read every word.( )
- 智慧职教: Turn on the TV or open a magazine, and you _____ advertisements advocationg reducing carbon footprints.
- Years ago, TV sets had pictures only in ____________. People had ___________channels to choose from. They had to _____________ on the TV to change the channel. Today, however, TV sets show pictures in __________.People have hundreds of channels to watch. TVs come with ___________ , so people can change channels from across the room.