• 2022-05-29
    How many rows of piles are generally set up in freestyle skating competition? How many piles per row?
    A: row 5 and 25
    B: rows 2 and 18
    C: rows 1 and 30
    D: rows 3 and 20
  • D


    • 0

      在HTML中,以下框架集的()属性可以左右分割窗口。(选择一项 A: row B: rows C: col D: cols

    • 1

      下列选项中,能填入空白处3的代码是() A: cols != ma.cols B: rows != ma.cols C: rows != ma.rows D: cols != ma.rows

    • 2

      <frameset rows=#>表示

    • 3


    • 4

      <table rules=rows>,表示( )。