• 2022-05-29
    The purpose of minutes is to record the proceedings of a meeting and keep it permanently.
  • 内容

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      What information should be covered in business meeting minutes? A: name or purpose of the meeting B: meeting location C: subjects covered and notes on discussion D: name and title of the minutes keeper

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      Taking minutes during a business meeting is to _______________. A: record the important agreements, assignments and decisions B: monitor the progress of the meeting C: record the actual time and duration taken by each item in the agenda D: take effective methods to guarantee the effectiveness of the meeting

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      Who should sign the minutes of a board meeting to confirm they are a true and accurate record of meeting? A: Any two members B: Secretary C: ChairmanDChief executive

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      A<br/>meeting agenda is very important to ____. A: prepare<br/>meeting attendees B: keep<br/>a meeting on track C: help<br/>prepare minutes of the meeting D: all<br/>of the above

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      In business writing, minutes are the written record of a meeting. Minutes serve as a record of the topics , ( )reached, taken, and given.