• 2022-05-29
    Many a young scientist ________ engaged in the research work.
    A: have
    B: has
    C: have been
    D: has been
  • D


    • 0

      All possible means ,but not a means an obvious effect。 A: have been tried; has B: have tried; has C: has been tried; have D: have been tried; have

    • 1

      _______ to work long hours alone in the lab and sacrifice his or her personal life. A: Many a scientists have B: Many scientist has C: Many a scientist has D: Many scientists

    • 2

      The mayor of Beijing says that all construction work for the Beijing Olympics_________ by 2006. A: has been completed B: has completed C: will have been completed D: will have completed

    • 3

      A good deal of money ________ spent on books. A: have B: has C: has been D: have been

    • 4

      Many lakes and rivers ________ by industrial waste. A: A have polluted B: B have been polluted C: C had been polluted D: D has been polluted