• 2021-04-14
    For now, nearly 150,000 pieces of tortoise shells were disclosed, with more than 4,500 characters. The scripts record a wide range of contents covering various fields of social life in the Shang Dynasty, such as politics, military, culture, social customs
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      The Pentagon is the U. S. military establishment, where more than 35,000 people are now employed.

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      现在你在社交媒体上发布的信息远比以前要多吗? A: Are you posting things on social media before B: Are you posting things on social media more often than before C: Are you posting things to newspaper more often now

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      _______ In being cultures, social status and position are more important than what a person does.

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      Question 4 A: Nearly 50 B: Nearly 4900 C: Less than 4000 D: More than 5000

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      Most of the fictions tend to present the local customs and social culture of certain countries or regions, which often contain rich cultural connotations between the lines.( )