Passive euthanasia is more acceptable than active euthanasia, and the latter causes a number of debates.
- Passive euthanasia (known as "pulling the plug") is legal under some circumstances in many countries.
- You must be an active student ______ a passive student. A: more than B: other than C: rather than D: less than
- For active euthanasia in Japan, four conditions must be met: A: The patient must be suffering from unbearable physical pain. B: Death must be inevitable and drawing near. C: The patient must give consent. (Unlike passive euthanasia, living wills and family consent will not suffice.) D: The physician must have (ineffectively) exhausted all other measures of pain relief.
- Active human euthanasia is legal in _________________________. A: the Netherlands & Belgium B: Colombia C: Luxembourg D: Canada
- What are the major dispute of euthanasia? A: Dose euthanasia reduce the burden of the family? B: Does euthanasia respect the human rights of patients? C: Can euthanasia save the medical and health resources? D: Would euthanasia make the patient miss some potential opportunities of new treatment in the future?