• 2022-05-29
    Events in a narrative are usually related in chronological order or by _____.( )
    A: backflash
    B: chronologically
    C: flashback
  • C


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      In literature, the author arranges events in the order in which they occurred in time order. It’s also called “chronological order”. ( )

    • 1

      Number these events in chronological order from 1 (the first to happen) to 6 (the most recent).

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      If the writer follows the chronological order, he orders the events in accordance with the time when they take place.

    • 3

      The events for the conference were listed in chronological order—they began with the first event of the day and ended with the closing ceremonies in the evening. chronological:______________________________________________________________ Clue word(s):______________________________________________________________

    • 4

      In order to make the description of dynamic activities, events and changes effective and vivid, we can try the following methods except_________. A: space order B: logic order C: biological order D: chronological order