• 2022-05-29
    Cover your mouth when you ( ).
    A: eat
    B: vomit
    C: cough
    D: couch
  • C


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      When you eat, you are advised to ________ your food extremely well. A: chop B: chew C: sip D: swallow

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      Reading efficiently when researching on your topic means that you need to read from cover to cover just like reading a novel.

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      General rule on the table may_________. A: speak when there is food in your mouth B: Don’t have a full mouth of food C: When scooping soup, use the serving spoon D: When others are chewing food, you can talk with them

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      When coughing and sneezing, we can cover our mouth and nose with a tissue.

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      It’s ________, and what’s ________ is putting up your hand to cover your mouth while talking to your neighbor. A: distract..bad. B: distracting...worse C: distraction...worst