• 2021-04-14
    While communicating, your gestures should match your tone.
  • 内容

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      1. What should you do with your cell phones while you are inside the lab? You should _______ your cell phones.

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      How should I stand when I make a presentation?( ) A: You should move around a bit. B: You should do some acrobatics. C: You should keep your hands by your side. D: You should make as many gestures as possible.

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      To make the most of our voice to deliver an effective speech, you should pay attention to your volume, pace, rhythm and tone.

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      The rules of using gestures include all of the following except that the gestures you make__________. A: should appear natural and spontaneous B: should be as funny as possible C: help clarify or reinforce your ideas D: should be suited to the audience and the occasion

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      While doing presentation you should try your best to make it __________.