• 2022-05-29
    In Roman myth, the Greek God Aphrodite becomes _______ .
  • Venus


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      In Greek myth, the master of the gods is,while in Roman myth,the counterpart is . A: Zeus, Mars B: Mars, Apollo C: Zeus, Apollo D: Zeus, Jupiter

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      Apollo was the only Olympian god who appears with the same name in both Greek and Roman mythology.

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      In Greek myth, the queen of the gods, the goddess of women and fertility is,while in Roman myth,the counterpart is . A: Hera,Athena B: Hera,Juno C: Hera,Venus D: Hera,Diana

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      The children enjoyed the stories about the gods and goddesses of<br/>Greek and Roman ______. A: mug B: myth C: motivation D: scheme

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      2. Apollo Apollo is one of the most important and complex ______ deities in ancient Greek and Roman religion, Greek and Roman ______ . Apollo has been variously recognized as a god of ______ and the Sun, truth and prophecy, ______ , plague, ______ , poetry, and more.