Zeus once transformed himself into a cuckoo and made Hera take pity up him.
- Zeus once transformed himself into eagle to abduct Ganymede, a Trojan prince, to Mount Olympus.
- Zeus changed himself into ________ when seducing Europa. A: a storm B: a white bull C: a cuckoo D: a swan
- How did Zeus seduced Hera and succeeded in marrying her? A: Turned into a swan B: Turned into a cuckoo杜鹃鸟 C: Turned into a heifer小母牛 D: Turned into a bull
- He wouldn't change his idea once he's made up his mind. Any to let him change will be in vain.
- ______ was once sent out by Hera, the wife of Zeus, in order to chase the pregnant Leto, a lover Zeus, so that she couldn’t settle anywhere to give birth. A: Ares B: Python