• 2022-05-30
    The lesson of the story is that _______.
    A: We must not take what is not ours.
    B: we must never accept a thief's reward
    C: we must be brave enough to admit our mistakes
    D: we must not be taken in by those who pretend to help
  • A


    • 0

      What is the main idea of paragraph 9-11 according to the video? A: We should hold fast to life. B: We must accept our losses and learn how to let go. C: We must let go as soon as possible. D: We should let go our losses and hold firmly to life.

    • 1

      The main idea of this passage is _______________. A: that we must use different ways at different situations B: that we must speak loudly C: that we must keep silent at any time D: that we must talk with the class

    • 2

      We ______ admit that we need further training. A: must B: have C: have to D: had to

    • 3

      6. How can we spend more time in the learning zone? A: We must believe and understand that we are good enough. B: We must want to improve at a particular skill. C: We must know how to perform task. D: We must be in a high stake situation.

    • 4

      We are making good progress, but we must not____until we have achieved our objective.