• 2022-05-30
    When the general purpose of a speech is to inform, your aim is to ________.
    A: enhance the knowledge and understanding of your audience
    B: change the attitude of your audience
    C: change the actions of your audience
    D: win over your audience to your point of view
  • A


    • 0

      When your general purpose is to inform, your aim is_______.

    • 1

      It is important to know your audience and purpose and to adjust your writing accordingly.

    • 2

      中国大学MOOC: If your specific purpose were “To inform my audience how windows are manufactured,” you would probably organize your speech in __________ order.

    • 3

      中国大学MOOC: Suppose your specific purpose is ‘To inform my audience how to register a username’, each main point in the speech will present a _____.

    • 4

      What does the speaker suggest if you are afraid of having eye contact with the audience? A: Force yourself to have an eye contact. B: Picture your audience as watermelons. C: Place your sight at the hair of your audience at the middle row of the class. D: Tell your audience about your nervousness.