• 2022-05-30
    Electrons are lost by the ( )
    A: oxidizing agent as it undergoes oxidation
    B: oxidizing agent as it undergoes reduction
    C: reducing agent as it undergoes oxidation
    D: reducing agent as it undergoes reduction
  • C


    • 0

      The characteristics of oxidizing agents? A: causes another substance to be oxidized B: contains an element whose oxidation state decreases in a redox reaction C: gains electrons D: is reduced

    • 1

      移动Agent定位的方法比较多,在MASIF标准当中就提供的Agent定位技术有()。 A: 强制搜索 B: 日志 C: Agent注册 D: Agent公告

    • 2

      5. According to the author, what is the role that science should play?‌‌‌ A: A. As an agent for the material progress. B: B. As an agent for suppressing religion. C: C. As an agent for the far-reaching betterment of humanity and all nature. D: D. As an agent for fighting against superstitions.

    • 3


    • 4

      _____ can be used to treat gout. A: uricosuric agent B: steroid C: parathormone D: anti-inflammatory agent