Bill Gates became a millionair at the age of 31.
- Bill Gates is clever and enjoys____he became a famous computer scientist.
- 【单选题】What is the name of the foundation that established by Bill Gates and his wife ? A. Bill Gates Foundation B. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation C. Melinda & Bill Gates Foundation D. Gates Foundation
- Why Bill Gates' kids are going to get different treatment A: Bill Gates is very great in computer science. B: Bill Gates is famous. C: Bill Gates suppresses "need-blind" policy. D: Bill Gates has great ability to pay.
- 以下代码片段执行后,text的值为:( )var person = {fname:"Bill", lname:"Gates", age:62};var text = "";for (var x in person) { text += person[x];} A: BillGates62 B: fname:"Bill", lname:"Gates", age:62 C: BillGates D: 62
- 下面的代码:varperson={fname:"Bill",lname:"Gates",age:62};vartext="";for(varxinperson){text+=person[x];}循环结束后,text的值为:() A: BillGates62 B: Bill C: Gates D: 62