• 2022-05-30
    Questions 22~25 are based on the following dialogue between two friends talking about camera. What problem does the man have in taking pictures
    A: He can’t find good subjects to photograph.
    B: His indoor shots are too dark.
    C: His pictures are often blurry.
    D: His camera is too big for good detail.
  • C


    • 0

      What does the man think Mike should do A: Go on with the game. B: Draw pictures on the computer. C: Review his lessons. D: Have a good rest.

    • 1

      Questions 11~13 are based on the following dialogue between two colleagues. What can we learn from the dialogue A: Carl Drexler is a good manager. B: The man thought the woman was too proud. C: The woman is not confident enough. D: The woman thinks that capability is the most important thing.

    • 2

      Questions 11~13 are based on the following conversation. What can be inferred about the man A: He was on his way to work. B: He hadn’t realized he was speeding. C: He lives on Elm Street. D: His speedometer isn’t working.

    • 3

      when the author think about his good friends in the past, _______________________. A: he remember them like he is seeing a movie B: his memories about his male friends and female friends are different just like movies filmed in totally different ways C: his female friendsare compared toaction or adventure movies D: he has entirely different pictures of his female friends and male friends

    • 4

      Questions 11~15 are based on the following conversation. How does the man know’ about so many restaurants in the town A: He has lived there all his life. B: He is fond of good food. C: He owns some of these restaurants. D: lie has friends working for these restaurants.