• 2022-05-30
    This advertisement for a booklet aims to influence people who______.
    A: have had their houses broken into
    B: are not properly insured
    C: are afraid of what thieves might do
    D: have not thought much about security
  • D


    • 0

      What kind of people are regarded as “well” traditionally? A: People who have a healthy personality. B: People who have good living habits. C: People who have no disability. D: People who have no disease.

    • 1

      孔子的很多思想,尤其是其教育思想,对中国社会产生了深远的影响。下列哪一项翻译较为合理? A: Many of Confusius' thought, especially his thought in education, had a profound influence on Chinese sociey. B: Many of Confusius' thought, especially his thought in education, have had a profound influence on Chinese sociey. C: Much of Confusius' thought, especially his thought in education, has had a profound influence on Chinese sociey. D: Much of Confusius' thought, especially his thought in education, had a profound influence on Chinese sociey.

    • 2

      _______ money do you have? A: How many B: How much C: How D: What about

    • 3

      I dr______ (am afraid) to think about what they might do next.

    • 4

      A:We'd like to have someone to say a word at the beginning to welcome the group.B:Who?(↘)A:We thought that you or Dr.Johnson might do it.