- 行有不得,反求诸己
- 行有不得反求诸己意思是多求助自己
- “行有不得,反求诸己”理解正确的是 A: "诸"是“之乎”的意思,即之于 B: “行有不得”做事没有达到预期的目的 C: “反求诸己”反省自己,反过来找自己的原因 D: 抱怨别人
- “行有不得,反求诸己”的译文是: A: Turn inward and examine yourself when you encounter difficulties in life. B: Turn around and test yourself when you encounter difficulties in life. C: Turn back and blame others when you encounter difficulties in life. D: Turn outward and blame others when you encounter difficulties in life.
- 【反求诸己】是什么意思,【反求诸己】成语解释