• 2022-05-30
    Which of the following can be inferred from the passage()
    A: Few people will take drugs ff they are allowed
    B: The United Stated will be easily defeated if its citizens are allowed to take drugs
    C: It is a general practice to forbid drugs in different countries
    D: A majority of people will become addict to drugs if they are allowed to take them
  • C


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      Why can middle-aged and old people have an easy access to drugs A: Drugs are covered by their social welfare. B: Drugs are covered by their medical care. C: They rely on drugs to kill their pains. D: They usually have money for drugs.

    • 1

      He has stopped taking drugs now, but he may revert to.........................(take)them again.

    • 2

      What is forbidden when people take the underground train?They are not allowed to ____.

    • 3

      ‍Today, smallpox, polio, typhoid and measles are no longer common because most people have been protected from them by _______.‎ A: anti-neurohomone drugs B: antiviral drugs C: vaccines D: antibiotics

    • 4

      智慧职教: Which of the following is allowed to take into a foreign country_______.