• 2021-04-14
    Which syntactical rhetoric device is used in this sentence? "You are intelligent, you are sincere, and you are beautiful"
  • anaphora


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      Is analogy used in the following sentence? As you sow, so you reap.

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      “The minute you let her under your skin, then you begin to make it better.” Which one of the following can’t be used to replace “the minute” in the sentence?

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      Identify the device of emphasis used in each sentence, and choose your answer.First, I want to congratulate you all on the splendid results. Second, I want to give you some interesting news, and finally, I want to thank you all. A: cleft sentence B: periodic sentence C: repetition D: pseudo-cleft sentence E: inversion F: postponement

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      Which sentence is right. A: May you succeed ! B: You may succeed! C: Succeed may you! D: Succeed you may!

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      Which sentence is the same meaning as "I read you 3"? ( ) A: You are not clear. B: You are breaking up. C: You are unreadable. D: You are cutting in and out.