• 2022-05-30
    Writing styles are closely related to one’s cultural knowledge.
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      Job satisfaction will______. A: deprive one completely of stress at work B: fail to influence one's performance at work C: be closely related to an individual work life D: affect an individual's life satisfaction not a bit

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      自我知识的文化差异表现在( )。 (多选)Which statements reveal the cultural difference of self knowledge?(more than one correct answers) A: 东方人的自我知识往往是情境性的知识。Self knowledge of easterners is generally situational knowledge. B: 东方人的自我知识往往是个体性的知识。Self knowledge of easterners is generally individual knowledge. C: 西方人的自我知识往往是情境性的知识。Self knowledge of westerners is generally situational knowledge. D: 西方人的自我知识往往是个体性的知识。Self knowledge of westerners is generally individual knowledge.

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      中国大学MOOC: Whenever the original idioms are related to certain social and cultural knowledge, literal translation cannot be used.

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      中国大学MOOC: 9.In Taine’s view, race is closely related to _____.

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      During the writing process, make sure the content is ____ the theme of the essay. A: mostly around B: closely related to C: generally about