When the lender provides the borrower with an amount of funds that must be repaid to the lender at the maturity date, along with an additional payment for the interest, it is called a ______
- (I) A discount bond requires the borrower to repay the principal at the maturity date plus an interest payment. (II) A coupon bond pays the lender a fixed interest payment every year until the maturity date, when a specified final amount (face or par value) is repaid.
- A loan that requires the borrower to make the same payment every period until the maturity date is called a _________
- When the lender and the borrower have different amounts of information regarding a transaction, _________ is said to exist.
- A coupon bond pays the owner of the bond a fixed interest payment (coupon payment) every year until the maturity date, when a specified final amount (face value or par value) is repaid. ( ) A: True B: False
- In the case of mortgage, ______. A: the possession of the property remains with the lender B: the lender obtains constructive possession of the goods C: the lender's measure of control over the property is unlimited D: the possession of the property remains with the borrower