• 2022-05-31
    --Please write
    to me when you have time.
    --Sure. But ________ is your e - mail address?
    A: when
    B: Where
    C: my
    D: where
    E: Whom
    F: mine
    G: what
    H: Who
    I: their
    J: which 2. -----
    ___C___is the best student in this class?
    K: Which 2. Tom’s
    car is black. That blue one is __B___.
    L: your
  • I


    • 0

      __________is<br/>her doll? It’s in the closet. A: What B: go C: How D: went E: Where F: goes G: Which 1. <br/>. My<br/>mother often ___C___ to work very early. H: gone

    • 1

      1. My dormitory is about five minutes from the Student Center.() A: building<br/>where students live B: student’s field or area of study at a university C: write<br/>the answers to questions on a form or application D: a<br/>document, such as a passport, that shows who you are E: hurry,<br/>go fast F: exercises G: better<br/>than okay but not great H: as<br/>a nickname

    • 2

      -Can you give me a hand with this table? I want to move it.[br][/br]-Sure. _____ are you going to put it A: Why B: How C: Where D: When

    • 3

      I<br/>was a teenager when I got my first job.() A: Really?<br/>Where do you work? B: Really?<br/>That's interesting. C: For<br/>five years.

    • 4

      My<br/>goal right now is to find a position at a company ( ) I can grow<br/>and take on new challenges over time. A: that B: which C: where D: whom