A: whistle
B: structural
C: selfish
D: fur
A: whistle
B: structural
C: selfish
D: fur
- That is _______ behavior and nobody likes it. A: whistle B: structural C: selfish D: fu
- 关于Fur的描述中,下列哪几项是错误的?() A: Fur可以使用Hair系统的动力引导线做动画 B: Fur用默认灯光可渲染出阴影 C: Fur不可以使用贴图改变颜色 D: Fur不能创建在NURBS物体上
- ProfessorSmithpromisedtolook______mypaper,thatis,toreaditcarefullybeforethedefense. A: after B: over C: on D: into
- 【判断题】WhenAmericansinvestinRussia,theincomeofRussians(thatis,RussianGNP)risesbymorethanproductioninRussia(thatis,RussianGDP) A. 正确 B. 错误
- Thisisaboxwitha______lid,soIcanseewhat’sinthereclearly. A: whistle B: vigorous C: obot D: transparent