• 2022-05-31
    What is the specific information about day-to-day activities in an itinerary?
  • For day-to-day activities specific information should include the cities, hotels and modes of transportation.


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      “What a lovely day (it is )!” Lao Hu remarked ________. A: what a lovely day it is B: what a lovely day it was C: that it was a lovely day D: either B or C

    • 1

      邀请他人去做运动,我们可以说“What a nice day! What about an outdoor exercise?”

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      76. What day is Earth Day?(1分)______________________________________________________________________________

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      An itinerary consists of_________________________________________________. A: thetour title B: the tour code C: day-to-day events D: cities E: duration F: a descriptive account of the tourist activities

    • 4

      What day is the day after Christmas in England?It is called .