• 2022-05-31
    What are the main ideas of the compared points on Page 3?(主要比较的什么方面?)________________________________
  • the form of the government# the law making function# the appoint of the cabinet# the veto right


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      There are some main points that should be kept in mind when writing a summary, that is, _____. A: read the source until you understand it B: include only the main points and main supporting points, leaving out the details C: use your own words, not the exact language or phrasing of the source D: include only the ideas of the source, not your own interpretations or opinions

    • 1

      What is the beginning of a summary? A: Main idea B: main structure C: basic information such as author, title, and main idea of the article. D: main points

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      And what is the controlling idea on Page 3?___________.

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      How to find the key ideas in a sentence?To figure out the key idea of a sentence, ask yourself these questions: A: Who or what is the sentence about? B: What is the person or thing doing? C: What areminor details and what are the main ideas?

    • 4

      When making a preparation outline, you should state your main points and subpoints in full sentences to ensure that you develop your ideas fully.