• 2022-05-31
  • usingopenexpressionswillhelpcreatingamorerelaxingenvironment.,WecaneventaketheconversationtoapositiveclosurebyusingleadingquestionslikeHaveyouconsidered…,Howabout…orIfIwereyou…Youcanevenusepersonalexamplestoempathizewiththepersonseekingadvice.Ifyouputyourselfinhisorhershoes,youradvicewilldefinitelybemoreuseful.


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      We have to do another experiment today, ____?: did we|don’t we|have we|shouldn’t we

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      When we compare, we look at the differences; when we contrast, we look at the similarities.

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      And we will stay in touch, _________? A: will we B: won't we C: don't we

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      2. We have nothing to eat, ( )? A: haven't we B: won't we C: will we D: have we

    • 4

      【单选题】—-We aren’t Chinese,are we? —- ____. A. No, we are. B. Yes, we aren’t . C. No,we aren‘t D. Yes ,we are.