• 2022-05-31
    Some boys took chemicals like soda and iodoform powder because ______.
    A: they liked to set up stalls in the marked and sell things, like traders
    B: they were too poor to buy things like soap and medicine
    C: they wanted money and could sell such things quickly
    D: they needed things like soap and medicine for sores
  • C


    • 0

      青书学堂: I’d like to take _____ of this trip to buy the things I need。

    • 1

      Most people don’t buy expensive things like watches ( ) impulse. A: by B: on C: in D: With

    • 2

      I don’t like to buy things with a label of “the latest technology”, since they are usually __________ to problems.

    • 3

      Things ____ fridges and washing machines were ____ better quality 60 years ago. A: likes, at B: like, off C: like,of D: likes off

    • 4

      Kim Curby likens our encoding faces to packaging a suitcase in that______. A: recognizing faces is like packing a suitcase B: encoding faces is like binding a suitcase C: recognizing faces is like putting things in a suitcase D: encoding faces is like putting things in a suitcase