• 2021-04-14
    In South Korea in August, Robles finished first in the 110 meters but was disqualified for _______ Liu, who ended up winning a silver medal after being on course for gold.

  • impeding


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      The film is about ______. A: the poverty problem in South Korea B: the environmental problem in South Korea C: the class division problem in South Korea D: the health problem in South Korea

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      Why did his parents buy Johnny a computer A: [A] He won a silver medal in 100-meter dash. B: He won a silver medal in 400-meter race. C: He won a silver medal in 200-meter race.

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      2. Lee missed South Korea very much in the first two weeks of staying in America.

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      The car didn't work halfway so we () having to walk to the theater. A: resulted in B: finished with C: ended with D: ended up

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      中国大学MOOC: Last year, Chinese consumers formally boycotted South Korean goods after South Korea accepted a U.S.-made anti-missile system.