• 2021-04-14
    Ask students to do brainstorming of the ______ information in a cutting.
  • useful


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      What's the learning style of American students? A: They do not ask questions even though they do not know. B: They believe that sitting upright is the respect for teachers. C: The learning is teacher-centered. D: The learning is student-centered.

    • 1

      Different from brainstorming which encourages generation of ideas, mapping helps students _______ their ideas.

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      What do you use __________ bread? A: cutting B: to cut C: to cutting D: cut

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      What does the speaker ask the listeners to do A: Meet with manager B: Review some information C: Register for training D: Buy some comfortable chairs

    • 4

      Different from brainstorming which encourages generation of ideas, (m)_____ helps students organize these ideas.