The recognized head of the family in Indonesia is the .
- In Middle East or part of Asia, like Thailand , India and Indonesia , it is forbidden to pat someone, including a child, on the head because in their belief, the head is the most sacred part of the body.
- Lobolo or Lobola in Zulu, Swazi, and other places in Africa, sometimes referred to as "bride wealth” or "bride price”, is property in cash or kind, which a prospective husband or head of his family undertakes to give to the head of a prospective wife’s family in consideration of a customary marriage.
- 家和万事兴的英文是: A: Harmony is the success. B: Family is the clan harmony. C: Grandma is the head of the harmonious family. D: Harmony in a family makes everything successful.
- “Odyssey years” are recognized as a new life stage that comes after high school graduation, continues through college and leads to starting a family and having a career.
- 家和万事兴的英文是:(1.2) A: Harmony is the success. B: Family is the clan harmony. C: Grandma is the head of the harmonious family. D: Harmony in a family makes everything successful.