"Give them an inch, ________ ask for a mile" is just one of the wise sayings in the English language.
- We can always count on our dictionaries to give us the proper English for a Chinese term, or the proper Chinese for an English word, for a term in one language definitely has a counterpart in the other language.
- “ ”is the oldest poem in the English language, and also the oldest surviving epic in the English language.
- 4. English grammar is the _____ of English language. Without grammar English language cannot be well constructed
- Children use language to get others to do something for them, which is the ( ) function of language. They use language to regulate the behavior of others, which the is the ( ) function of language. They use language to explore the world, which is the ( ) function of language. <br/>______
- English is known as a world language, regularly used by many nations whose English is not their first language.