• 2021-04-14
    One of the strongest hurricanes _____ was the Florida Keys Storm of 1935, during which 500 people were killed.
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      An investigation was made into the accident, ()five people were killed. A: where B: for that C: when D: in which

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      中国大学MOOC: During the Japanese ________of China, millions of innocent Chinese people were killed by Japanese soldiers.

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      There were at least killed and injured during the voting. A: six people … many B: some people … many C: six people … some D: many people … some

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      Which one is NOT true to this storm A: This storm took place earlier than before. B: Nearly hundreds of people died in the storm. C: The powerful wind could uproot trees. D: About three thousand homes were destroyed.

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      Robert Williams' wife was() A: killed when a tree fell on her B: lived through the storm C: not home during the storm D: killed when a trailer landed on her