Make the judgement on the statement that the concise subject helps the recipient process this E-mail effectively and efficiently.
- Make the judgement on the statement that the address of receipt is required to be written after “To” in an E-mail of complaint. (在投诉电子邮件中,收信人地址应写在“To”之后。这种说法是否正确。)
- Make the judgement on the statement that you can end an E-mail of complaint with the Complimentary close of “Sincerely yours” or “Best”. (投诉邮件结尾敬语可以采用“你真挚的”或者“最好的祝愿”,这种说法是否正确。)
- Make the judgement on the statement that you should make the complaint courteously and objectively. (发起投诉时的语气要礼貌客观。这种说法是否正确。)
- 下面各邮件头信息中,()是用户发送邮件时必须提供的 A: 标题或主题 B: 发信人的E-mail地址 C: 收信人的E-mail地址 D: 邮件发送日期和时间
- 下面各邮件信息中,()是在发送邮件时,邮件服务系统自动加上的 A: 邮件发送日期和时间 B: 收信人的e-mail地址 C: 邮件体内容 D: 附件