- Fingerprints left on the only knife on the Island mansion were the ______ for the murder. A: smoker’s gun B: big gun C: smoking gun D: starting gun
- Her fingerprints left on the scene were a _______ of her guilt.
- Chased by storms, the Argonauts reached the island of Lemnos where only women lived. The Argonauts stayed on the island for one or two years. Behind them were left numerous descendants.
- A hundred years ago there were _____________ inhabitants on the island; now there are only ______.
- 【单选题】在循环双链表的 p 所指结点之后插入 s 所指结点的操作是 () 。 A. p à right =s ; s à left = p ; p à right à left = s ; s à right = p à right ; B. p à right =s ; p à right à left = s ; s à left = p ; s à right = p à right; C. s à left = p ; s à right = p à right ; p à right = s ; p à right à left = s; D. s à left = p ; s à right = p à right ; p à right à left = s ; p à right = s ;
- 0
There were fifteen candies in that bag. Now there is only one left!( )
- 1
Which country is on a different island from the other three countries? </p></p>
- 2
研究生招考录取过程中,有5%的学生被保送录取,其余的有30%的学生参加研究生考试并初试合格进入复试;复试考生中80%被录取,剩余复试者可通过调剂,有0.5的机会被录取。求:1)一位考生被录取的概率;2)已知某考生已被录取,则他是通过调剂被录取的概率。(1). 设 \(A,B,C\) 为三个事件,且 \( P\left( \mbox{A} \right)>0<br/>\),则有 \( P\left( {ABC} \right)= \)( )。 A: \( P\left( {ABC} \right)=P\left( A \right)P\left( {C\left| A<br/>\right.} \right). \) B: \( P\left( {ABC} \right)=P(A)P\left( {BC} \right)P\left(<br/>{A\left| {BC} \right.} \right). \) C: \( P\left( {ABC} \right)=P(A)P\left( B \right)P\left( {C\left|<br/>{AB} \right.} \right). \) D: \( P\left( {ABC} \right)=P\left( A \right)P\left( {B\left| A<br/>\right.} \right)P(C\vert AB) \)
- 3
(4). 设每年袭击某地的台风次数 \( X\sim P\left( \lambda \right) \),且\( P\left\{ {X=1} \right\}=P\left\{ {X=2} \right\} \),则概率 \(P\left\{ {X=4} \right\} =\)()。
- 4
【单选题】在下列选项中,background-position属性值书写正确的是()。 A. p{ background-position:left top; } B. p{ background-position:left 10; } p{ background-position:left top; } C. p{ background-position:10 top ;} D. p{ background-position:top 10 ;}