• 2021-04-14
    There are wide differences in the ability of various substances to conduct heat.
  • 各种物质导热的能力差异是很大的。


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      The differences between the Beijing-stule qipao and the Shanghai-style qipao refelct the various aesthetic values of different regions in China.

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      . He had a wide __________ of interests. A: A. world B: B. various C: C. variety D: D. word

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      Why is insulation required in new houses A: To limit discussion on heating bills. B: To prevent heat loss. C: To determine the temperature in homes. D: To convert homes to electric heat.

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      One of the differences between the outer wall and the inner wall of pollen is that the outer wall contains the following substances: A: protein B: cellulose C: sporopollenin D: protein and sporopollenin

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      The differences between the Beijing-stule qipao and the Shanghai-style qipao refelct the various aesthetic values of different regions in China. A: 正确 B: 错误