• 2021-04-14
    What is NOT necessary when you want to better write your paper?

  • Use many hard and complicated sentences to polish your expressions.


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      When you want to express your responsibility for something, what should you say? _________

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      ​When do we need to write an abstract?‍ A: When you write a dissertation for a higher degree. B: When you submit a research paper for publication. C: When your report will be disseminated to an audience. D: All of the above.

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      According to John, which one in the following is NOT included when you write an introduction?</p></p>

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      中国大学MOOC: If you want to invite your client to have a business meal in a formal way, youd better write _______.

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      According to Jason, when you are writing a paper, you need to include _______ to the sources that you use so that you can avoid plagiarism. </p></p>