• 2021-04-14
    What does “hyponymy” refers to?
  • the superordinate and subordinate


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      Vegetarian refers to the person who does not eat meat.

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      What does "retrograde amnesia" refers to? A: the loss of ability to form new memories B: the loss of memory for events that happened in the past C: both A and B D: neither A nor B

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      —Questions: —1) What does PSC stand for? —2) What does FSC stand for? —3) What does CS stand for?

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      What is the meaning relationship between the two words “flower/tulip” ? A: Polysemy B: Homonymy C: Hyponymy D: Antonymy

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      What does "retrograde amnesia" refers to? A: the loss of ability to form new memories B: the loss of memory for events that happened in the past C: both A and B D: neither A nor B