• 2021-04-14
    中国大学MOOC: 英文简历通常由以下六部分构成的: Personal Information,Job Objective,Educational Background,Work Experience,Skills,Awards & Hobbies。
  • 内容

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      Which of the following can be included into the body part of a job application letter? ( ) A: Salutation B: The purpose of writing the letter. C: Personal information (gender, work experience, educational background,etc.) D: Appreciation for being considered for the job.

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      中国大学MOOC: A person with limited work experience should write his/her resume in the following order: Contact information – Objectives – Experience – Education – Professional memberships and affiliations - Certifications – Skills - Awards and honors.

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      What are often listed as qualifications for application in job ads? A: hobbies B: parents’ information C: education background D: work experience E: specialties F: personalities

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      Your ________ is about the work you're hoping to do. A: personal information B: job objective

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      Choose the right order to form an effective résumé. A: Skills B: Education C: References D: Work experience E: Heading F: Job objective