• 2021-04-14
    If you were told that some day practically everything electronic will be done digitally(数字式地), you might think you were being kidded(逗).
  • 如果有人告诉你说,有一天几乎所有的电子设备都将数字化,你可能认为别人在逗你呢。


    • 0

      You never told us why you were late for the party, ______ A: did you B: had you C: didn't you D: hadn't you

    • 1

      2. You ought to have been told, _____ an old friend of the family. A: who are B: to be C: since were D: being

    • 2

      This article has not been finished yet. If you were the author, you might do the following things EXCEPT________.

    • 3

      You ___________twelve then, were you? A: are not B: were hardly C: were nearly D: were only

    • 4

      What _____ last night when I phoned you? I thought you sounded a bit strange. A: did you do B: were you doing C: had you done