It is for this reason that Laplace’s operator(拉氏算子) is sometimes written as ▽2(read triangle squared).
- 下面算子属于一阶微分算子。 A: Roberts算子 B: Laplace算子 C: Sobel算子 D: Prewitt算子
- Have you read the book written by Charles Dickens ? It’s worth________. A: to read B: read C: reading D: to being read
- Shakespeare’s plays written between _____ are sometimes called “romances” and all end in reconciliation and reunion.
- 以下哪些是边缘检测算子( )。 A: Sobel算子 B: Canny算子 C: 拉氏算子 D: RobertS算子 E: Box模板 F: 高斯模板
- 下列图像边缘增强算子中对噪声最敏感的是( <br/>) A: 梯度算子 B: Laplace算子 C: Roberts算子 D: Sobel算子