• 2021-04-14
    The moment of inertia(惯性力矩) of a body(物体) depends on the location of the axis about which the moment of inertia is computed.
  • 物体的惯性力矩,取决于计算它所绕的轴的位置。


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      Which of the following systems belongs to the Body Axes Systems? A: Inertia Axes System B: Earth-fixed Axes System C: Body Axes System D: Navigational Axes System E: Stability Axes system F: Wind Axes system

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      The flexure formula is based on the requirement that the ( ) on the cross section is equal to the ( ) produced by the ( ) distribution about the neutral axis.? resultant moment; moment; linear normal stress|resultant moment; moment; nonlinear normal stress|resultant moment; moment; nonlinear shear stress|resultant normal force; force; linear normal stress

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      A) the moment C) the moment's B) a moment D) a moment's A: the moment B: a moment C: the moment's D: a moment's

    • 3

      I will certainly tell him about the matter ______ he comes in. A: the moment B: moment C: the immediately D: suddenly

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      29() A: at one moment B: at the last moment C: at the moment D: at any moment