• 2021-04-14
    Americans regard education as the means and by this means the inequalities among individuals are to be erased and by this means every desirable end is to be achieved.
  • Americans regard education as the means by which the inequalities among individuals are to be erased and by which every desirable end is to be achieved.


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      Every means ______ tried but without much result.

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      ______ means to distinguish between good and bad individuals, or superior and inferior ones.

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      Why does the author say that a college education is more and more seen as a means for economic betterment rather than a means for human betterment?

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      The abbreviation “ATB” in the end of an email means “all the ____________”.

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      中国大学MOOC: During his reign, __________ tried every means to improve the state of education, such as founding colleges, and importing teachers from Europe.