• 2021-04-14
    Modern weapons were used in the Civil War.( )
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      What does George Orwell do(). A: A literary critic. B: A war correspondent. C: A volunteer in the Spanish Civil War. D: A novelist.

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      The American Civil War, widely known in the United States as simply the Civil War, was a civil war fought from _______to _______.

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      _______ overthrew the feudal system in England and is generally regarded as the beginning of modern world history. A: Puritan Revolution B: The War of Roses C: The English Civil War D: The Glorious Revolution

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      ​All foreign ________ were advised to leave the country following the outbreak of civil war.‏ A: nationals B: professionals C: national D: professional

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      A lot of men were killed during the fierce battles of the American Civil War. A: peaceful B: violent C: ugly D: fruitful